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Google Keep: Control Your Notes With These Keyboard Shortcuts

Google Keep is a great note-taking tool that works for voice memos, project management, travel plans, and much more.

When you want to note something down, the last thing you want to do is mess around clicking buttons. That's why you should use all the Google Keep keyboard shortcuts at your disposal.

We've collected together all the Google Keep shortcuts that you need to take notes like a pro.

FREE DOWNLOAD: This cheat sheet is available as a downloadable PDF from our distribution partner, TradePub. You will have to complete a short form to access it for the first time only. Download the Google Keep Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet.

Google Keep Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Action
J/K Next/previous note
Shift + J/K Move note to next/previous position
N/P Next/previous list item
Shift + N/P Move list item to next/previous position
C New note
L New list
/ Search
Ctrl + A Select all
E Archive
# Delete
F Pin/unpin
X Select
Ctrl + G Toggle list and grid view
Esc Close editor
Ctrl + Shift + 8 Toggle checkboxes
Ctrl + ] / [ Indent/dedent list item
? Open shortcut list
@ Send feedback

Get Perfect Lists With Google Keep

There are so many reasons to use Google Keep. It's cross-platform, supports widgets, easily collaborate with others, and more. With Google Keep, you'll ditch post-it notes in no time.

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