Apple has launched a new "Apple for Kids" support page, offering parents and guardians a way to learn how to set up child's devices, update kids' Apple ID birth date, set screen time limits, and more.
A Good Resource for Parents
In a world in which more kids than ever have an iPhone or iPad, it's a good resource that should help give parents---both the tech-savvy and otherwise---some pointers on this part of Apple device ownership.
The webpage serves as a portal intended to answer kid-related Apple questions. There's an impressive range of topics---not just including the aforementioned ones, but also features such as Family Sharing, and common queries like what to do if your child forgets their passcode or purchases something by accident.
It is divided up into the following categories: "Get your child set up," "Keep track of your child's activities," and "Set limits and monitor usage."
Apple's "How to" Guides
Under each of these broad headings, Apple offers a range of topics, each of which contains its own "how to" page. These lay out the steps to, for instance, "Set up and use Apple Cash Family." There is also a search bar, and links to Apple forums in case your particular question has not been answered.