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How to Create an Attractive Profile on Medium

Writing good posts on Medium goes a long way towards making an impression, but customizing your profile to reflect your personality is no less important. It shows commitment and professionalism.

There are a few parts of your Medium profile you can change, some superficial, others more in-depth. Think about what your writing is all about and what style would suit it best.

Change Your Profile's Name, Photo, and Bio

These elements appear in the designing process and affect your profile's look, so you may want to deal with them before anything else.

From any page on Medium, click on your profile picture in the top-right corner of the screen, and go to Settings. There's a lot you can change here, like your username and URL, but let’s focus on the Name, Bio, and Photo sections.

Each one has an Edit button next to it. Just click it and make your adjustments. When it comes to your profile's image, it should be at least 1000 x 1000 pixels and in JPG, PNG, or GIF format.

Choose Colors for Your Accents and Background

From Settings or your account's menu, select Design your profile. You'll open a preview of the profile with a toolbar down the side containing everything you need. You can't interact with the profile—you can only customize and test it for desktop, tablet, and mobile dimensions.

The first feature to look at, labeled Colors, lets you choose hues for your overall background and accents, like the Subscribe and Read More buttons.

Images are an option in a different section, but the right color scheme alone can make a great impact on readers. Keep this in mind along with other ways to increase your following on Medium.

Choose Attractive Fonts for Your Text

The next styling tool in your Medium arsenal is under Fonts. As the label suggests, you can change the look of your blog's text, from its titles to the main body. Your options are limited, only offering one sans serif and two serif fonts, but simplicity is best when it comes to digital content.

Find a balance between your text-based elements so that your profile is sleek and legible. After all, writing and reading is the whole point of Medium.

Customize Your Header's Size, Effects, and Background

Under the Header label, you have the same tool for choosing colors, as well as several other options. To begin with, going for a large header instead of a small one lets you change it in more ways, including its alignment and background image.

To add your own visuals to the header, scroll down to the Image field and click Add. This opens a window for you to paste a link or upload a file.

The latter should be 1500 pixels wide or more and in a compatible JPG, PNG, or GIF format. Once added, you can adjust the image's display, position, and how colors are layered over it.

For example, a solid effect will change the whole image's hue, depending on the intensity you choose. A gradient effect, however, combines two colors. You can use these effects whether you add an image or not.

Additionally, you can choose between text and a logo for the name that appears at the top of your profile. Both let you adjust their size, but only the text option can have a different color, and a logo will show up in the headers of stories that are on your blog (not a publication).

On that point, get to know how the platform actually works to establish yourself faster. Start with Medium’s guide on the basic difference between profile pages and publications.

Related: How to Make a Logo With Canva: A Step-by-Step Guide

Place and Color Your Bio

In the Header section, you'll also find tools for customizing your bio. You can put it at the top of your profile or in the sidebar, whichever makes your design look neater.

If you go for a header bio, you can also give it some color. The text can then look nice under your blog's name and be legible no matter the background. A sidebar bio, on the other hand, will feature your photo too.

Then again, the attractiveness of your bio depends more on what it contains. That's why it's a good idea to fine-tune it before designing your whole profile.

Toggle Your Blogroll On or Off

In the design editor, you can also set whether your profile displays people and publications you follow on Medium. Basically, your audience will be able to see what you’re interested in and discover other worthwhile content.

All you do is tick or untick the box in the blogroll section. The writers who've published something most recently will appear at the top of your automatically generated list.

Related: The Ultimate Guide to Medium's Editor and Publishing Your First Story

Create Lists to Group and Display Articles Together

A final element you can customize to improve your profile's style is your lists. They're an easy way to sort through your stories and put them into groups. Access the Lists feature from your profile or account's menu. It'll take you to a page containing different tabs.

Some lists are created automatically, for example, based on articles you've read or highlighted. But you can add more by clicking on the New list button, typing in a title and description, and ticking whether the list should be private or not.

Then, while reading articles on Medium, whether yours or others', click on the bookmark icon and save those you like in one or more lists. Select Create new list to instantly expand your groups further.

The point of this exercise is so that people visiting your profile can quickly find your interests and stories of similar themes in one stylish place.

Boost Your Visibility on Medium

If you like to write and have good topics to talk about, you should make the most of Medium. You do need to brainstorm, adapt, and interact quite a bit to attract a decent audience, but success is possible on this platform.

A perfect profile is a strong foundation for your online presence. From there, apart from writing well, don't forget about methods like social media, email marketing, and networking as ways to attract new followers.

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