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How to Make the Most of Your Marvel Unlimited Subscription: 8 Tips

Marvel Unlimited is a fantastic resource for comic book fans. That is if you make use of everything it has to offer. So don’t fall into the habit of just reading the same one or two superhero series you’ve been following for years. Or only titles within a specific franchise. And don’t wait for someone to tell you what other books are worth your time.

If it doesn’t feel like Marvel Unlimited really is unlimited, then you’re not using it correctly, and certainly not making the most of your subscription. The tips below will help you get even more enjoyment from this service, not to mention maximum bang-biff-BOOM for your buck!

1. Celebrate New Releases Day

Traditionally, the day when comic stores receive their weekly shipment is a special one for patrons. They collect their “pull list,” take it home, sort it into their preferred reading order–often leaving their favorites until last–and plunge into the latest stories.

There is no reason why you can’t do the same with Marvel Unlimited!

Take note of when the weekly new releases drop in your part of the world. You don’t have to read them immediately, but you can start planning which books you’re going to tackle first. Think of it as a pull list that includes every new title.

2. Get Inside Info on the Freshest Marvel Movie/TV Show

There’s nothing worse for a comics fan than watching the newest slice of Marvel multimedia and having zero background knowledge. While those around you are getting excited about the appearance of a particular villain, or questioning a deviation from what happened in the original comics, you’re left out of the conversation.

Thanks to Marvel Unlimited, you don’t have to be. As soon as you learn a film or cartoon series or video game is coming, you can familiarize yourself with its inspiration using the mighty MU archive. Then you’ll be ready to analyze and enthuse with the true believers.

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3. Explore the History of Your Favorite Marvel Characters

Sometimes a monthly dose of a certain hero/heroine just isn’t enough to satisfy your interest in the character. Don’t mope around wishing Marvel would do more crossovers or spin-offs featuring them, explore their previous outings.

If you’re lucky, the Unlimited team will have prepared a dossier, telling you not only when and where your favorite character has popped up but why those appearances matter. Go to Reading Lists > Characters, and check out who’s there.

Even if there’s no convenient history lesson, don’t hesitate to investigate for yourself via the Browse option. You never know what cool stuff you may find!

4. Catch Up With a Hot Artist/Writer

Admired a stunning cover by Phil Noto and want to see what other art he’s done for Marvel? Heard a fascinating interview with Ta-Nehisi Coates and keen to read the comics he’s written? Marvel Unlimited makes it simple to catch up with any hot artist or writer in the business.

Go to Browse, change the category at the top to Creators, then enter the person’s name in the search box. Alternatively, search manually using the index on the side.

You’ll soon be immersed in Noto’s work on Star Wars: Poe Dameron or Coates’ runs on Black Panther and Captain America. Related: Star Trek vs. Star Wars: Which Is More Technologically Advanced?

5. Take a Trip Back in Time

Another nifty aspect of the Marvel Unlimited database is that it can be searched by year or month. This allows for the sort of time-travelling shenanigans that would make Kang the Conqueror proud.

Curious about which Marvel titles were on the stands when you were born? Feeling nostalgic for your high-school years and want to revisit the series that were all the rage back then? First get into the medium in 2015 and have now decided to discover what came before, a year at a time?

The possibilities are only limited by your imagination… and MU’s database of 28,000 comics and counting. Go to Browse, change the category at the top to Publication Date and commence your trip!

6. Binge Specific Story Arcs and Limited Series

As fun as it is to celebrate new-releases day (see above), you shouldn’t feel locked in to reading every book as soon as it’s made available on Marvel Unlimited.

Saving up a few issues to binge in a row can make their contents clearer, especially if the plot is convoluted. For maximum impact, you might want to wait for a multi-part arc to conclude then consume it in a single session.

If you’ve devoured all of the latest comics with days left until the next batch drops, don’t sit around twiddling your thumbs. Pick a limited series from the past and binge that like someone just handed you the graphic novel. They didn’t–they handed you a virtual bookcase full.

7. Go on a Themed Reading Spree

Snowed in and wishing to be transported to sunnier climes? A search for “summer” brings up a wild Deadpool one-shot and a bunch more things besides.

Similarly, plugging in “Birthday,” “Christmas,” “Halloween,” or “Holiday” will spotlight various comics to help you get into the spirit of those occasions.

“Anniversary” is an interesting case as it tends to relate to the title in question. Spider-Ham 25th Anniversary Special from 2010, anyone?

If you can dream up a theme, there’s bound to be Marvel Unlimited material to suit.

8. Sell Off the Print Editions You No Longer Need

This last tip is a practical one. If you’re a long-term Marvel Unlimited user with print copies you know are readily available to you in digital form, consider selling the physical editions of your comics. You’ll free up shelf space and earn money that could be put towards renewing your Marvel Unlimited sub in the future.

Maximize Your Marvel Unlimited Subscription

Don’t limit the enjoyment you get from the Marvel Unlimited app. Celebrate each week’s new additions as if they’d just arrived at your local comic store.

Bone up on the comics behind new Marvel adaptations so you don’t miss any details and can be a part of the discussion. Likewise, investigate the characters you love, as well as any creators who spark your curiosity–you’ll be rewarded with all kinds of great content.

Take advantage of the Marvel Unlimited database’s capabilities to jump across the eras, binge a classic series while putting a current arc on hold until it’s finished, or even do some season-appropriate reading.

And, lastly, realize that if you’re reading everything digitally these days, it’s probably time to sell some of those boxes of paper comics taking up valuable space.

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