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How to Install ElvUI for World of Warcraft

ElvUI offers World of Warcraft players a fully customizable user interface that replaces Blizzard's default UI.

While there are plenty of World of Warcraft AddOns via third-party websites and software, ElvUI is a plugin-based overhaul that provides intricacy like no other. Here's how you install ElvUI and make the most out of your WoW experience.

What Can ElvUI Do?

ElvUI improves upon the default Blizzard UI, providing players with integrated AddOns and plugins.

Rather than having to update individual AddOns, you can update ElvUI as a whole, so you won't incur any mismatched versions.

It's a flexible solution that you can customize to work the way you want it to—adding your personal touch is easy.

1. How to Install ElvUI

Replacing your World of Warcraft UI is relatively straightforward.

You can download ElvUI from the Tukui website.

Download: ElvUI (Free)

  1. Download the .zip file from the Tukui website to your PC.
  2. Right-click the .zip file and select Extract.
  3. Open the extracted folder "elvui" to check it contains the correct folders: ElvUI and ElvUI_OptionsUI.
  4. Select the ElvUI and ElvUI_OptionsUI folders, then right-click to select Copy.
  5. Locate the World of Warcraft folder on your PC.
  6. Open the correct World of Warcraft folder (either _retail_ or _classic_) > Interface > AddOns.
  7. Right-click inside the AddOns folder and select Paste.

2. Using the In-Game ElvUI Installer

After installing ElvUI, you can check whether the installation has been successful by loading up World of Warcraft.

By clicking on the AddOns button in the lower left-hand corner, you will be able to see ElvUI and ElvUI Options UI ticked in the AddOn list.

When you log in to the game for the first time after installing ElvUI, you will see a pop-up installer to get started.

It's important to follow the instructions on-screen to set up ElvUI correctly. However, you can adjust the settings later if you change your mind.

Setting Up CVars

The first step of the installation is to set up CVars. This is Blizzard's console variables to ensure the default options configure correctly.

To continue with the setup, click on the Setup CVars button.

Configuring Chat Windows

The chat functionality for ElvUI is the same as Blizzard's default chat windows.

However, with ElvUI you can customize the chat window colors, names, and positions.

Select the Setup Chat button to continue.

Profile Settings Setup

If you previously had an ElvUI profile, you can import it at this stage.

Alternatively, if you want to set up a new profile for your character, select New Profile.

Choosing a Theme

There are three themes to choose from—Classic, Dark, and Class.

You can click on each option to see the effect it will have on your World of Warcraft UI. When you're ready to proceed, select an option then click Continue.

Adjusting the UI Scale

You can adjust the ElvUI scale to ensure it fits your screen.

There are default options including small, medium, or large. However, to get the best results, it's recommended to select Auto Scale. You can always adjust the UI scale later if you need to.

Select a Layout

Depending on your character's combat role, you can change the layout of ElvUI to make accessing spells and abilities easier.

If you are mainly dealing melee damage to enemies or other players, select the Melee option. If your character uses healing spells, select Healer. Otherwise, for ranged characters including those that use a bow or abilities and spells that deal ranged damage, select Ranged.

Aura System

ElvUI's aura system enables you to customize how WoW displays your buffs and debuffs.

If you want to see aura bars and icons, select Aura Bars, otherwise select Icons Only.

Completing the Installation

The final setup screen is to confirm that the installation is now complete.

You can click the Finished button to get back to World of Warcraft. It will display any changes that you have made during the ElvUI setup on your screen.

Remember, you can customize ElvUI at any time, so feel free to fine tune it further if you're not quite happy with the results.

ElvUI: A Customizable Interface

From button sizes to cosmetics, maps to skins, ElvUI puts the control in your hands to choose the right UI for your World of Warcraft character.

You could easily spend hours customizing ElvUI. The best part? You'll never have out-of-date AddOns as all the modules sit under ElvUI, which you can update in its entirety rather than piecemeal.

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