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How to Make and Use Custom Emojis in Slack

Slack is one of the top productivity tools that exist today. After all, it enables an entire organization to communicate instantly (anyone else feeling nostalgic for MSN Messenger?). Not only that, but Slack allows you to send images, coordinate projects using app integrations, and so much more.

One of the best tools inside Slack are emojis. Also called “reacji”, these little guys make communicating inside each Slack workspace not only fun, but also quick and simple. And by creating your own emoji, the sky is the limit for what you can do.

How to Make Custom Emoji Inside Slack

First things first, you can only add custom emoji from your desktop. And if you are a part of a Slack Enterprise Grid organization, all emojis you create will be accessible by anyone within that organization. That's important to keep in mind in case your emoji are team-specific.

It's also important to note that workspace owners and admins have the ability to restrict this function. If you're unable to follow any of the steps in this guide, you may need to contact the administrator of your Slack account for help.

With the housekeeping out of the way, let's dive into creating some fun emoji inside Slack. First, you'll want to find an image you wish to use as your emoji. You can either create an image of your own or use an image you find elsewhere. Save it to your computer and then follow these steps:

  1. Select the smiley face icon in the message field in Slack.
  2. Next, select Add Emoji.
  3. Select Upload Image to find the image you saved earlier.
  4. Then, enter a name for your emoji. When you're finished, select Save.

What Should You Name Your Custom Emoji?

The name you choose for your emoji is important for accessing it later. Be as specific and as literal as possible when naming your emoji, so it's easy to find. Or, if you plan on using your emoji to show a specific reaction, name it as such. For example, “:excited:” or “:yay:”.

Related: Wacky Emoji Apps to Use Emoticons in Uncanny Ways

Where to Find Your Custom Emoji

There are three ways you can access emoji inside Slack: typing a shortcut, searching manually, and reacting to Slack messages.

If you want to use your emoji inside a message, you can type “:” and the name of your emoji inside the message field to insert it. This is a shortcut that's much quicker than searching manually.

If you want to search through your options:

  1. Select the smiley face icon in the message field.
  2. Next, select the Slack icon.
  3. Scroll to the bottom to see all the custom emoji you've created. Click the one you wish to use to insert it.

Want to react to a message sent by a friend or co-worker? Hover over the message and select Find another reaction. You can then find the emoji you're looking for and select it to react.

How to Delete a Custom Emoji

You can only delete emoji that you've created. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Select your workspace name in the top left.
  2. Select Customize [Workspace Name].
  3. In the new window, select the Emoji tab and find the emoji you want to delete.
  4. Select the Delete icon and then Delete Emoji to confirm.

The emoji you don't have permission to remove will have locks next to them. You'll need to ask an admin or the creator of the emoji to delete it instead.

4 Creative & Useful Ways to Use Custom Slack Emoji

Sending an emoji is now one of the most natural things in the world. Yet, in Slack, emoji take team communication to a whole new level. There are plenty of ways to use Slack emoji to boost productivity, show when you're out of office, and more.

1. Using Emoji to React Instead of Sending Another Message

The geniuses at Slack themselves use emoji to react to messages inside their workspaces. This cuts down on the number of repetitive messages sent each day. Instead of saying “okay” or “got it” a simple emoji, or what Slack calls reacji, will work just fine.

Some of the reacji Slack uses in-house include:

  • :thumbsup: For “got it!”
  • :clap: For “well done!”
  • :joy: For “crying-while-laughing”

If there's a message you and your team send often, there's probably an emoji to take its place.

2. Notify Others of Your Work Status

Another useful way to use emoji is for showing your current work status. For example, if you're out of the office, Slack's :x: may be a perfect way to say, “I'm unavailable”. Or, :pizza: is a great way to tell others that you're away on lunch.

3. Gathering Team Input Through Fun Polls

Want a quick way of gathering team input? Slack's internal team uses voting and polls inside their channels for just that. Not only does this make gathering ideas and input quicker, it's also easier to track. Win-win!

Members of your team simply react using their emoji versus sending messages with their selections.

4. Sharing Project Statuses

Another way you can use emoji is sharing statuses about upcoming projects. For example, you can ask your workspace for a status update on a specific team project and your team can respond with the :large_green_circle: to show that a project is good to go or a :red_circle: if it's not.

Some Slack users also use :heavy_check_mark: to show that a project or task mentioned in Slack is completed. Others create custom emojis featuring each team member's photo to show who is responsible for various tasks and projects.

Want to find messages that feature a specific emoji? In the Slack search bar, type has:[Emoji Code] to search through messages that feature a specific emoji reaction.

What Custom Slack Emoji Can You Come Up With?

The options for what you can do with Slack emoji are truly endless. Whether you're congratulating a team member on their promotion or want to show your disdain for Monday mornings, a Slack emoji can do the trick.

Go ahead and dive into your Slack channels to see what kind of emoji you can come up with.

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