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How to Reduce Eye Strain While Playing Video Games

For some of us, playing video games is our favorite hobby. We can play for hours on end, only to stop just before you see the sun coming up again. While that’s extremely fun, it can also be harmful to your eyesight.

Eye strain is a constant struggle for most gamers, but it doesn’t have to be. There are ways you can reduce eye strain while playing video games just by changing a few things. Here are some tips you can follow to reduce your eye strain.

Why Do We Feel Eye Strain?

Feeling eye strain is pretty common for most people, but it happens not only because of playing video games.

Your eyes need to be in constant lubrication, and that's the reason we blink so much. The average person blinks around 15 to 20 times per minute. However, that's not always the case.

When we are reading, watching Netflix, or playing video games, we tend to blink less than ten times per minute. That leaves your eyes unprotected, dry, and in some cases, feeling strain. The good news is you can actually do something about it, like following these tips.

1. Get Some Gaming Glasses

If you want to get better at video games, you need to practice for long periods of time. But you also need the right equipment so your eyes won't hurt, and gaming glasses can help you out with that.

Gaming glasses can help you with your eye strain and other common issues. When you're playing video games, whether it is on a tablet, a screen, or even your phone, it exposes you to a greater amount of blue light, which will end up causing eye strain and dry eyes. Gaming glasses use special filters that help reduce the impact of blue light on your eyes.

Related: What Are Gaming Glasses and How Do They Work?

2. You Can Also Try a Screen Filter

Like wearing gaming glasses, a screen filter can help reduce the amount of blue light you're exposed to while playing video games.

The good thing about screen filters is that everyone looking at the screen gets protection, and not just yourself. If you play video games with friends and family, or just don't want to wear glasses, a screen filter could be a better choice.

3. Adjust Your Monitor Settings

By default, your screen might be too bright for your eyes. The size and resolution might also affect your eyesight while playing.

Experiment with your settings and test what works for you. Try to lower the brightness and change the screen's resolution can stop you from making your eyes work so hard.

If all that fails, you can always try to upgrade your display. Getting a better LED display that reduces reflection might be a better option if your current setup is outdated.

Related: 5 Ways to Play Your Video Games on Any TV, PC, or Mobile Device

4. Try Changing to Dark Themes

Dark themes have become more popular over the years, and they're also an excellent solution to reduce eyestrain. If available, try to turn dark themes on when you can. It can help reduce your display's brightness even more and help your eyes in the long run.

5. The Light Around You Is Also Important

Believe it or not, the light coming from your screen isn't the only thing that's making your eyes strain. The light from your surroundings could also be an important factor.

Try to reduce the light coming into the room in any way you can. Close the drapes, turn your lights off, or try to use bulbs with less intensity.

6. Keep Your Monitor at a Safe Distance

You probably heard this a lot when you were younger, but staying away from your screen while playing video games can help reduce eyestrain.

If you can, try to keep your monitor at least 20 inches away from you while you're playing. It'll help your eyes feel less tired, dry, and it can also help reduce your eye strain.

7. Take Breaks From Time to Time


We know it's hard to step away from a game, especially when you're feeling in the zone, but try to take breaks now and then. To avoid eyestrain, take 15 to 20-minute breaks when you're playing video games.

You don't need to wait until your eyes feel tired. Instead, schedule your breaks and let your eyes take a rest regularly.

 8. Talk to Your Doctor

If everything else fails, visit your doctor. Try to get the proper tests to figure out why you're feeling eye strain and how you can solve it. Maybe playing video games isn't the main issue you need to solve.

Play With Caution

Remember that reducing brightness, glare, and even wearing the right equipment can go a long way if you want to reduce eyestrain. After you've taken the proper precautions, you can keep playing for hours on end without worrying about your eyesight.

However, keep in mind that there are other video-game-related injuries you might suffer if you're not careful. It isn't just about your eyes, the rest of your body can feel the strain too.

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