WhatsApp has provided support even for really old versions of various operating systems so far. That seems to be changing now, as the app plans to ditch support for iOS 9. This means various iPhone models will not run WhatsApp anymore.
WhatsApp Stops Supporting Old iOS Versions
While WhatsApp is yet to update its FAQ page, it's been seen in one of the app's beta versions that there will be no support for iOS 9 or earlier versions of iOS going forward.
WhatsApp Messenger beta 2.21.50 drops the support for iOS 9.
— WABetaInfo (@WABetaInfo) March 5, 2021
The FAQ hasn't been updated yet. https://t.co/3bpOuq0jvp https://t.co/QMM7AkVY7U
This means if your iPhone is running iOS 9 or an earlier version, you won't be able to use WhatsApp on your phone once the new update rolls out.
iPhone Models That Are Affected
A good thing is that there aren't many iPhone models that run iOS 9 or earlier. Most iPhones can be updated to iOS 10 or later and this means you'll continue to be able to use this app on your phone.
Two of the popular iPhone models that are going to get affected by this change are the iPhone 4 and 4S. Sadly, both these phones can't be updated to iOS 10 and this means the support for WhatsApp will be discarded on these two phones.
How to Check Your iOS Version
Using a newer iPhone doesn't mean you're covered. You must ensure you're running iOS 9 or later on your iPhone to be able to continue using WhatsApp.
To check your iOS version, open the Settings app on your iPhone, tap General, and tap About. You'll see your current version next to where it says Software Version.
How to Update Your iOS Version
If your iOS version is older than iOS 10, you need to update the version to ensure uninterrupted usage of WhatsApp.
To update iOS, launch the Settings app on your iPhone, tap General, tap Software Update, and allow your phone to find and install available updates.
iPhones That Don't Support Latest iOS Versions
If your iOS device doesn't support iOS 10 or later, you don't have any choice but to change the phone to continue using WhatsApp.
You can get a new iPhone for yourself that runs a newer version of iOS, or you can buy an Android-based phone and continue using this instant messaging app. You just need to make sure your phone is modern and supports latest OS versions so that you're covered.
WhatsApp Drops Support for iOS 9
If you use an iPhone that still runs iOS 9 or earlier, you might want to consider updating your iOS version or getting a new phone with a modern version of the OS. This will allow you to continue using this popular messaging app on your phone.