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6 Mirror Selfie Poses You Need to Try

Selfies have been popular on social media for many years now. In a sea of users constantly uploading photos of themselves, it's hard to come up with a pose and composition that will set you apart.

Mirror selfies aren't exactly a new concept, but it certainly gives an interesting edge to self-portraits and will make users look twice before scrolling away.

In this article, we're going to discuss why you should consider turning the camera on a mirror, as well as give you some tips and poses for you to try.

Why Take Selfies in the Mirror?

Mirror selfies have been around since before we took selfies with front-facing cellphone cameras. It was popularized by fashionistas showing off their outfits online in the 2000s.

Today, mirror selfies are still one of the best ways to show off an outfit, but this method has been adopted by many selfie enthusiasts outside of fashion.

There are several reasons why people opt for mirror selfies, instead of turning the camera towards themselves. For starters, you can snap full-body shots. These shots also give you more flexibility with poses as opposed to regular selfies that are typically cut off at the upper body.

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Mirrors also add an artistic component to a photo because they're simply interesting entities. And taking a picture in a mirror is like having someone else take it—you're given access to more elements to play with in the composition, kind of like a photo shoot.

How to Take a Good Mirror Selfie

There are no universal rules for a good mirror selfie, since every one of them will require a unique setup based on the outcome you want. But there are some general guidelines that can give you better results if you pay attention to them.

Have Good Lighting

Lighting is one of the most important elements of any photo. Typically, the hue of golden hour is ideal for selfies. However, mirrors reflect light, so you can get a little creative with the lighting conditions with mirror selfies.

Move a lampshade around to get interesting shadows in the backdrop of the mirror. Or turn on the flash to create your own lens flare.

Play With Angles

When there's a mirror involved, you have more freedom with angles compared to regular selfies. A good tip is to point the shutter parallel to the mirror at whatever it is you want to bring attention to. If you want to switch up the angles or change the proportions, slightly tilt the mirror or your phone.

For example, if you want to show off an outfit, hold your phone straight and near your waist—this angle will result in realistic proportions. To elongate your legs, tilt the mirror slightly upwards. If you're taking a headshot, hold the phone next to your face and parallel to it. Tilting the phone down a bit will make your upper body look more slender.

Mind the Background

Mirror selfies often happen in bedrooms and bathrooms, and those backdrops can be unappealing. If an unmade bed is part of the aesthetic, then by all means go for it. But a messy room in the background won't exactly scream high fashion if you're trying to showcase your new designer handbag.

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Try These Mirror Selfie Poses

Taking a mirror selfie is like being your own photographer—there are countless poses you can try. Let's have a look at some of the most eye-catching ones.

1. Stay Close to the Floor

You've probably seen influencers like Kylie Jenner do "the squat" mirror selfie—you can never go wrong with this pose. It's relaxed, yet the straight posture that's necessary for holding up your phone will make you look powerful. There are variations of the squat; twist your body to the side, stick out one leg, or turn around and snap it from the back.

You can take it a step further and plop yourself down on the floor entirely. Cross your legs for a composed look or straighten them out and lean back on one arm. Keep in mind that you'll need a mirror that touches the floor for these selfies, or the floor nor your legs will be in the shot.

2. The Shoefie

You might not have heard of the term "shoefie," but you've probably seen it on Instagram. It's a selfie of your shoes! Shoefies often only show the lower legs in the shot, but you can include your whole body if you can get the angle right and still pull the focus to your shoes.

This works best with freestanding mirrors so you can lean it against a wall. Stand in front of it, hold your phone low, and start snapping. With mirrors that are fixed vertically, you can do a squat or sitting pose with your legs extended, or sit on a chair.

3. Wing Mirror Shots

Car selfies aren't anything new, but why not get a little creative and include the side mirror in the shot?

The small area won't give you a lot of room to play with poses, but it does force the focus solely on your face and results in a clean and simple photo. You can even get a natural motion blur effect if the car is moving.

4. Cover Your Face

Covering your face with your phone will pull attention to your outfit and composure. This is also a good trick for those who don't feel camera-ready or photogenic enough. Hold the phone in front of your face, parallel to the mirror, and keep an eye on the screen to ensure it's blocking out what you want.

5. Take the Mirror Outside

If you have a smaller, freestanding mirror, take it outside. Lean it against a wall, or lay it flat on the ground and stand over the mirror.

These shots will extend and enlarge your lower body, resulting in a superhero-type pose. You can also reap the benefits of natural sunlight, and even play with lens flare and silhouettes.

6. Frame the Mirror

Something that's entirely unique to mirror selfies is framing the mirror. This will work with freestanding and fixed mirrors, as long as the medium behind it is somewhat aesthetically pleasing, or the mirror has an interesting frame.

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Stand (or sit) further away than you normally would with mirror selfies, and make sure the entire mirror is in the shot. Then, adjust the angle and distance for how much of the back medium you want to include in the shot. You'll end up with a mirror shot where the mirror itself is framed.

Mirror Selfies for the Win

There are only so many different ways you can pose for a selfie, but include a mirror and you've got a whole new set of angles, poses, and elements to work with. If you're thinking of spicing up your selfie game, head over to a mirror and try some of the above poses.

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