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Convert Your Old DVDs into Digital with Free WinX DVD Ripper

While many streaming services are growing, some people still collect DVDs in 2021. Owning physical media is a great way to avoid paying subscription fees while having access to the films you love. And, with many people switching to services like Netflix, finding DVDs for cheap is relatively easy. The only problem is the amount of space your favorite titles occupy.

However, there is a solution—digital conversion. Digital DVD conversion is the best of both streaming and physical media worlds. On the one hand, you get to keep your collection of discs pristine, and on the other, you can easily fit a week’s worth of content onto a thumb drive so you can play DVDs on your computer.

What You’ll Need

If you want to play your DVDs without the DVD player, there are only four things you’ll need:

  • A stack of your favorite DVDs
  • A computer capable of playing those DVDs
  • A thumb drive or other form of digital storage media
  • Software that will handle the conversion (We like WinX DVD Ripper)

Disclaimer: Please check your local laws before attempting this process. Making copies of DRM-protected content—even for personal use—is still technically illegal in some localities. We do not condone breaking the law.

Download: WinX DVD Ripper for Windows (Free)

Why Choose WinX DVD Ripper Over Others?

One of the main reasons we prefer WinX DVD Ripper over other software is because you can use the free version to convert your DVD collection to MP4.

Additionally, WinX DVD Ripper is fast. It uses GPU hardware acceleration to allow you to rip a full DVD in only about 8 minutes.

That means you can rip everything in your collection, including international films, hard-to-get anime titles, workout videos, and even the latest TV series.

How to Get WinX DVD Ripper for Free

To get WinX DVD Ripper for free, just head over to the WinX DVD Ripper website and click on Download Setup File. Next to the download button, you’ll see a link that says Get a license key to rip DVD to MP4. Click that link. On the next page, you’ll see a box that asks you to enter your email address. Enter your email, and click Get Giveaway Version.

Right now, WinX DVD is giving away 500 copies of its software to 500 lucky winners every day. If you’re one of the 500, then you should receive a download link and a product key in your email. That’s it! Enjoy your free copy of WinX DVD and rip all the DVDs you want.

How to Convert DVDs with WinX DVD Ripper

The WinX DVD Ripper software is surprisingly intuitive, and you can convert most DVDs to MP4 format in only a few clicks. These are the steps:

  1. Insert your preferred DVD media into the computer
  2. Click Disc and select the media you’d like to convert, and click OK
  3. Select your preferred output format and click OK. For MP4s, select MP4 Video
  4. Click Run to start the conversion process.

That’s it! Now just wait until the software finishes the DVD to MP4 conversion, and you should have an MP4 file that corresponds to the selected DVD. You can copy this file to your thumb drive if you want to take your movie on the road, or you could even use the file with streaming media software like Plex.

Convert All Your Favorite DVDs With WinX DVD Ripper

Owning an extensive collection of DVDs is a fantastic way to keep your favorite films within reach. And, with many older movies disappearing from streaming services, collecting is also a great way to access hard-to-find titles.

But if you want to play your DVDs without the DVD player, then digital conversion is an excellent option. WinX DVD Ripper makes this conversion easy, and you can try out all the software's best features for free.

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