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How to Use the Zeigarnik Effect With Digital Tools to Improve Productivity

You might have just finished watching your favorite series on Netflix and have promised yourself you'd get down to work. However, unlike many good storylines, this episode ended on a cliffhanger.

You manage to get yourself to your desk, but you still can't shake that unresolved feeling from your mind in order to concentrate on your work. That’s the Zeigarnik effect in motion.

What Is the Zeigarnik Effect?

During the 1920s, a Soviet-Lithuanian psychologist and professor discovered that waiters in a busy restaurant in Vienna could remember details of long and complex orders they had not delivered yet. Likewise, the same staff would forget all that information once the orders had been completed.

As a result of Dr. Zeigarnik's further study of this effect, he conducted experiments which concluded that people tend to continuously recall uncompleted tasks or activities that have been interrupted, while forgetting those that have been completed. It is like a constant mental reminder that you should finish what you have begun.

Is this not supposed to be a good thing? It could be, but it turns out that the Zeigarnik Effect can also lead to productivity guilt and negatively impact your mental health. Here's how:

  • Firstly, these intrusive thoughts about incomplete tasks make it difficult for you to focus on other things.
  • Secondly, the Zeigarnik Effect contributes to blurring the lines between your work-life balance because you take those disruptive thoughts about unfinished work back home, making it harder to unwind.

However, the silver lining is that you can use these tips and digital tools as a way to increase your productivity with it.

1. Schedule Your Motivation to Create Momentum

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The Zeigarnik Effect only kicks in if you have already started a task without finishing it, so you need to motivate yourself from the beginning and eliminate the tendency to procrastinate.

Perhaps you have not yet started working out, meditating, or learning to code because you always wait for “someday” when you will have the motivation and willpower. The sooner you schedule your tasks, the more likely you are to feel motivated to get started.

By setting a deadline for your goals, you will be protected against excuses, procrastination, and the fear of failure. The best way to motivate yourself is to remember why you want to begin the task. Alternatively, when you can’t find motivation from within, you can rely on motivational apps like Inspirational Quotes to jumpstart your day.

With this app, you can choose when you want to receive inspirational/motivational quotes. You can schedule these quotes just before you intend to start your task to be in the right mindset.

Download: Inspirational Quotes for Android (Free, premium subscription available)

2. Organize Your Tasks in Order of Priority

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Chances are, you start your day with a mental picture of all the tasks you wish to complete and with the intention of being as productive as possible. But as the day unfolds, you find yourself jumping from one task to another without finishing anyone- a good recipe for an unproductive day.

The increasing number of items on your to-do list, non-stop emails, and constant notifications, all fighting for your limited attention, already makes it hard for you to focus. Add the recurring thoughts of unfinished tasks to the lot, and you are on the expressway to burnout.

So, what’s the alternative? Organize all your tasks in order of priority. Start by making a list of everything you have to do, from having an important product launch meeting to picking up your laundry. You can also divide complex tasks into subtasks.

Next, download the Priority Matrix app to help you tackle these tasks, starting with the most important one. Use the app to organize your tasks into four levels:

  1. The first quarter is for the most important or most challenging tasks (what you need to do immediately).
  2. The second quarter is for the tasks you can do later (after finishing those in the first one)
  3. The third quarter is for the tasks that you can delegate (less important tasks), and
  4. The last quarter is for the tasks you can afford to postpone.

Once you have filled all four levels, start working on the tasks in the first one, and do not move until you have finished all of them. Why does this work?

By taking advantage of the Zeigarnik Effect, you can continue to work on your most important tasks until you complete them. The more challenging tasks you complete during the day, the more motivated you will be to move on to the next.

And on the off chance that you finish your day stuck on the third or fourth quarter, you can rest easy knowing that you won’t have sleepless nights because you did not pick up the laundry.

Download: Priority Matrix for Android | iOS (Free trial, premium subscription available)

3. Schedule Breaks When Studying to Boost Your Memory

Another way you can use the Zeigarnik Effect to your advantage is by scheduling short breaks when you are studying to improve your memory. For example, if you are studying for an exam, rather than cramming all the material in one sitting, schedule short breaks within your study sessions to do something unrelated.

Besides helping you unwind and recharge, taking short breaks will allow you to do other unrelated activities while mentally returning to the information you are trying to memorize.

You can also use this technique during a meeting, or when writing a blog. You only need to schedule a strategic break when discussing an important point, or stop writing in the middle of a sentence. This allows you to come back to your task with a fresh outlook.

But if you think you might struggle to schedule short breaks on your own during your study sessions, you can use a Google Chrome extension like Micro Breaks to set up custom reminders.

Download: Micro Breaks for Chrome (Free)

4. Document Your Wins, and Repeat

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To-do lists have been popularized as a practical productivity hack, and rightly so. But it is equally important to document your wins, and enjoy the satisfaction of your hard work by creating a “done” list.

Also, it is worth noting that one of the downsides of the Zeigarnik Effect is the mental tension it creates. However, you will notice that the stress due to intrusive thoughts of uncompleted tasks will decrease as you finish the job.

But considering that many people don’t dedicate enough attention to daily wins, you might need to take proactive steps like writing them down to remember, and end the day on a high note.

In addition, the satisfaction you will derive from this exercise will fuel momentum to make it a habit to complete your work, and repeat the whole process.

One of the best ways to document your wins on the go is using a note-taking app like Evernote. This powerful tool automatically synchronizes all your info to all your devices, making it easily accessible when you need a quick look.

Download: Evernote for Android | iOS | Desktop (Free, premium version available)

Leverage the Zeigarnik Effect to Get the Ball Rolling

Being mindful of the Zeigarnik effect can help you to use it to your advantage. Whenever you want to work on a task, find the motivation to create enough momentum to start, knowing that your mind will keep poking you till you finish it. Remember to acknowledge and celebrate your wins to enjoy a sense of accomplishment while reducing intrusive thoughts, and stress.

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