Many programmers love solving tricky mathematical problems using code. It helps sharpen the mind and improve problem-solving skills. In this article, you'll learn how to find the smallest and largest n-digit perfect squares and cubes using Python, C++, and JavaScript. Each example also contains sample output for several different values.
Smallest and Largest N-Digit Perfect Squares
Problem Statement
You're given an integer n, and you need to find the smallest and largest n-digit numbers that are also perfect squares.
Example 1: Let n = 2
Smallest 2-digit perfect square is 16 and the largest 2-digit perfect square is 81.
Thus, the output is:
Smallest 2-digit perfect square: 16
Largest 2-digit perfect square: 81
Example 2: Let n = 3
Smallest 3-digit perfect square is 100 and the largest 3-digit perfect square is 961.
Thus, the output is:
Smallest 3-digit perfect square: 100
Largest 3-digit perfect square: 961
Approach to Solve the Problem
You can find the smallest n-digit perfect square using the following formula:
pow(ceil(sqrt(pow(10, n – 1))), 2)
And to find the largest n-digit perfect square, use the following formula:
pow(ceil(sqrt(pow(10, n))) – 1, 2)
C++ Program to Find the Smallest and Largest N-Digit Perfect Squares
Below is the C++ program to find the smallest and largest n-digit perfect squares:
// C++ program to find the smallest and largest
// n-digit perfect squares
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
void findPerfectSquares(int n)
cout << "Smallest "<< n << "-digit perfect square: " << pow(ceil(sqrt(pow(10, n - 1))), 2) << endl;
cout << "Largest " << n << "-digit perfect square: " << pow(ceil(sqrt(pow(10, n))) - 1, 2) << endl;
int main()
int n1 = 1;
cout << "Number of digits: " << n1 << endl;
int n2 = 2;
cout << "Number of digits: " << n2 << endl;
int n3 = 3;
cout << "Number of digits: " << n3 << endl;
int n4 = 4;
cout << "Number of digits: " << n4 << endl;
return 0;
Number of digits: 1
Smallest 1-digit perfect square: 1
Largest 1-digit perfect square: 9
Number of digits: 2
Smallest 2-digit perfect square: 16
Largest 2-digit perfect square: 81
Number of digits: 3
Smallest 3-digit perfect square: 100
Largest 3-digit perfect square: 961
Number of digits: 4
Smallest 4-digit perfect square: 1024
Largest 4-digit perfect square: 9801
Python Program to Find the Smallest and Largest N-Digit Perfect Squares
Below is the Python program to find the smallest and largest n-digit perfect squares:
# Python program to find the smallest and largest
# n-digit perfect squares
import math
def findPerfectSquares(n):
print("Smallest ", n,"-digit perfect square:", pow(math.ceil(math.sqrt(pow(10, n - 1))), 2))
print("Largest ", n,"-digit perfect square:", pow(math.ceil(math.sqrt(pow(10, n))) - 1, 2))
n1 = 1
print("Number of digits:", n1)
n2 = 2
print("Number of digits:", n2)
n3 = 3
print("Number of digits:", n3)
n4 = 4
print("Number of digits:", n4)
Number of digits: 1
Smallest 1 -digit perfect square: 1
Largest 1 -digit perfect square: 9
Number of digits: 2
Smallest 2 -digit perfect square: 16
Largest 2 -digit perfect square: 81
Number of digits: 3
Smallest 3 -digit perfect square: 100
Largest 3 -digit perfect square: 961
Number of digits: 4
Smallest 4 -digit perfect square: 1024
Largest 4 -digit perfect square: 9801
JavaScript Program to Find the Smallest and Largest N-Digit Perfect Squares
Below is the JavaScript program to find the smallest and largest n-digit perfect squares:
// JavaScript program to find the smallest and largest
// n-digit perfect squares
function findPerfectSquares(n) {
document.write("Smallest " + n + "-digit perfect square: " + Math.pow(Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(10, n - 1))), 2) + "<br>");
document.write("Largest " + n + "-digit perfect square: " + Math.pow(Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(10, n))) - 1, 2) + "<br>");
var n1 = 1;
document.write("Number of digits: " + n1 + "<br>");
var n2 = 2;
document.write("Number of digits: " + n2 + "<br>");
var n3 = 3;
document.write("Number of digits: " + n3 + "<br>");
var n4 = 4;
document.write("Number of digits: " + n4 + "<br>");
Number of digits: 1
Smallest 1-digit perfect square: 1
Largest 1-digit perfect square: 9
Number of digits: 2
Smallest 2-digit perfect square: 16
Largest 2-digit perfect square: 81
Number of digits: 3
Smallest 3-digit perfect square: 100
Largest 3-digit perfect square: 961
Number of digits: 4
Smallest 4-digit perfect square: 1024
Largest 4-digit perfect square: 9801
Smallest and Largest N-Digit Perfect Cubes
Problem Statement
You're given an integer n, you need to find the smallest and largest n-digit numbers that are also perfect cubes.
Example 1: Let n = 2
Smallest 2-digit perfect cube is 27 and the largest 2-digit perfect cube is 64.
Thus, the output is:
Smallest 2-digit perfect cube: 27
Largest 2-digit perfect cube: 64
Example 2: Let n = 3
Smallest 3-digit perfect cube is 120 and the largest 3-digit perfect cube is 729.
Thus, the output is:
Smallest 3-digit perfect cube: 125
Largest 3-digit perfect cube: 729
Approach to Solve the Problem
You can find the smallest n-digit perfect cube using the following formula:
pow(ceil(cbrt(pow(10, (n – 1)))), 3)
And to find the largest n-digit perfect cube, use the following formula:
pow(ceil(cbrt(pow(10, (n))))-1, 3)
C++ Program to Find the Smallest and Largest N-Digit Perfect Cubes
Below is the C++ program to find the smallest and largest n-digit perfect cubes:
// C++ program to find the smallest and largest
// n-digit perfect cubes
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
void findPerfectCubes(int n)
cout << "Smallest "<< n << "-digit perfect cube: " << pow(ceil(cbrt(pow(10, (n - 1)))), 3) << endl;
cout << "Largest " << n << "-digit perfect cube: " << (int)pow(ceil(cbrt(pow(10, (n)))) - 1, 3) << endl;
int main()
int n1 = 1;
cout << "Number of digits: " << n1 << endl;
int n2 = 2;
cout << "Number of digits: " << n2 << endl;
int n3 = 3;
cout << "Number of digits: " << n3 << endl;
int n4 = 4;
cout << "Number of digits: " << n4 << endl;
return 0;
Number of digits: 1
Smallest 1-digit perfect cube: 1
Largest 1-digit perfect cube: 8
Number of digits: 2
Smallest 2-digit perfect cube: 27
Largest 2-digit perfect cube: 64
Number of digits: 3
Smallest 3-digit perfect cube: 125
Largest 3-digit perfect cube: 729
Number of digits: 4
Smallest 4-digit perfect cube: 1000
Largest 4-digit perfect cube: 9261
Python Program to Find the Smallest and Largest N-Digit Perfect Cubes
Below is the Python program to find the smallest and largest n-digit perfect cubes:
# Python program to find the smallest and largest
# n-digit perfect cubes
import math
def findPerfectCubes(n):
print("Smallest ", n,"-digit perfect cube:", pow(math.ceil((pow(10, (n - 1))) ** (1 / 3)), 3) )
print("Largest ", n,"-digit perfect cube:", pow(math.ceil((pow(10, (n))) ** (1 / 3)) - 1, 3))
n1 = 1
print("Number of digits:", n1)
n2 = 2
print("Number of digits:", n2)
n3 = 3
print("Number of digits:", n3)
n4 = 4
print("Number of digits:", n4)
Number of digits: 1
Smallest 1 -digit perfect cube: 1
Largest 1 -digit perfect cube: 8
Number of digits: 2
Smallest 2 -digit perfect cube: 27
Largest 2 -digit perfect cube: 64
Number of digits: 3
Smallest 3 -digit perfect cube: 125
Largest 3 -digit perfect cube: 729
Number of digits: 4
Smallest 4 -digit perfect cube: 1000
Largest 4 -digit perfect cube: 9261
JavaScript Program to Find the Smallest and Largest N-Digit Perfect Cubes
Below is the JavaScript program to find the smallest and largest n-digit perfect cubes:
// JavaScript program to find the smallest and largest
// n-digit perfect cubes
function findPerfectCubes(n) {
document.write("Smallest " + n + "-digit perfect cube: " + Math.pow(Math.ceil(Math.cbrt(Math.pow(10, (n - 1)))), 3) + "<br>");
document.write("Largest " + n + "-digit perfect cube: " + Math.pow(Math.ceil(Math.cbrt(Math.pow(10, (n)))) - 1, 3) + "<br>");
var n1 = 1;
document.write("Number of digits: " + n1 + "<br>");
var n2 = 2;
document.write("Number of digits: " + n2 + "<br>");
var n3 = 3;
document.write("Number of digits: " + n3 + "<br>");
var n4 = 4;
document.write("Number of digits: " + n4 + "<br>");
Number of digits: 1
Smallest 1-digit perfect cube: 1
Largest 1-digit perfect cube: 8
Number of digits: 2
Smallest 2-digit perfect cube: 27
Largest 2-digit perfect cube: 64
Number of digits: 3
Smallest 3-digit perfect cube: 125
Largest 3-digit perfect cube: 729
Number of digits: 4
Smallest 4-digit perfect cube: 1000
Largest 4-digit perfect cube: 9261
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